
twitters for the day

03:04 twitters for the day ff.im/4xOgj #

twitters for the day

03:30 twitters for the day ff.im/4vPnz #

twitters for the day

03:06 twitters for the day ff.im/4txf6 #

twitters for the day

03:39 twitters for the day ff.im/4qOa8 # 16:55 疲れたー (Location: 0.000000,0.000000) ff.im/4siAf #

twitters for the day

03:17 今さらながら、"Window Title"を削除 - 「Dellにより提供されたInternet Explorer」... ff.im/4nYvS # 03:50 twitters for the day ff.im/4o3te # 23:01 とにかく全てが疲れてしまったのが原因だ。 ff.im/4q8pj #

twitters for the day

03:34 twitters for the day ff.im/4lgGO # 02:04 ff.comからログアウトされていたようだ。ログインしなおし。 ff.im/4nOmP # 02:05 暑すぎる! ff.im/4nOsa # 02:16 ayucat on bing ff.im/4nQ55 # 03:03 VirtualBox ff.im/4nWDS # 03:03 Cairo ff.im/4nWDT #

twitters for the day

03:06 twitters for the day ff.im/4isfl #

twitters for the day

03:26 twitters for the day ff.im/4g1em #

twitters for the day

03:12 twitters for the day ff.im/4dXdT #

twitters for the day

03:33 twitters for the day ff.im/4bIQC # 04:23 そろそろ眠くなってきた ff.im/4bP8s #

twitters for the day

03:47 twitters for the day ff.im/48WFd #

twitters for the day

03:17 twitters for the day ff.im/465J2 # 09:22 updating iPhone OS 3.0, which takes too much time (> 5 min) ff.im/46R91 # 09:23 時間かかりすぎだろー、アップデート。 ff.im/46Ric # 09:23 というかバックアップにすごい時間かかってる。 ff.im/46Rk…

twitters for the day

03:28 twitters for the day ff.im/43mgJ # 08:46 iPhone OS 3.0って何時くらいになったら、DLできるようになるの? ff.im/43WDX # 15:32 (2193.T) 経済ニュース,株式市場,投資信託,投資情報 & More | ロイター.co.jp ff.im/44D8A #

twitters for the day

03:24 twitters for the day ff.im/40Ebn #

twitters for the day

03:42 twitters for the day ff.im/3YkGu # 03:42 人力検索はてな - tsuruokakotaroさんのプロフィール ff.im/3YkGy #

twitters for the day

03:29 twitters for the day ff.im/3Wmw6 # 14:35 着いた (Location: 0.000000,0.000000) ff.im/3XeIB # 15:09 入れ違いで出会えず!あと30分くらいあればなー (Location: 0.000000,0.000000) ff.im/3Xhab # 01:21 成功するときと失敗するときが半々くらいか…

twitters for the day

03:12 twitters for the day ff.im/3U0D4 # 01:01 at DTW (Location: 0.000000,0.000000) ff.im/3W734 # 01:02 test more (Location: 42.207074,-83.356515) [pic] ff.im/3W7cO # 01:04 DTW - NRT (Location: 42.207074,-83.356515) [pic] ff.im/3W7qj # 01:…

twitters for the day

03:29 twitters for the day ff.im/3Rqe6 #

twitters for the day

03:45 twitters for the day ff.im/3OOTD # 11:44 shakoring ff.im/3PH6d # 11:44 no time to summarize the day ff.im/3PH9g # 11:45 memorize, not summarize at least ff.im/3PHaA # 11:45 drink ff.im/3PHaF # 11:45 it's almost noon ff.im/3PHaI # 11:…

twitters for the day

03:45 twitters for the day ff.im/3MazJ #

twitters for the day

03:36 twitters for the day ff.im/3JyGS #

twitters for the day

03:08 twitters for the day ff.im/3H5Zb #

twitters for the day

03:28 twitters for the day ff.im/3Fbo0 # 04:30 two flights are on-time ff.im/3FhHV # 04:34 This three hours and half was very dense time. ff.im/3Fi7B # 04:34 boingo again... ff.im/3Fi8K # 04:35 stretching bed is very important for good sle…

twitters for the day

03:46 twitters for the day ff.im/3Dd1e # 16:23 comfortable WiFi is necessary for modern society... i recognized again... ff.im/3Eg7M # 16:25 the stopper is something wrong i think, but it's right in deed... ff.im/3Egke # 16:26 shower was a…

twitters for the day

03:51 twitters for the day ff.im/3AINw #

twitters for the day

03:06 twitters for the day ff.im/3y6fS #

おやつ: ピザ @ ピザーラ

ピザーラのピザ、2 pcs (in L size)

昼: 折詰 あやめ @ 人形町今半 (会席弁当)

弁当。 焼き魚 (鮭) 天ぷら (海老) 蒲鉾 昆布巻き 玉子焼き 煮豆 煮物 ご飯 (w/ ごま) 香の物 折詰 あやめ - 人形町今半-御会席弁当のご案内



twitters for the day

03:28 twitters for the day ff.im/3vFjX # 12:32 後手に回り続ける日は何もしない。 ff.im/3wAey # 12:32 24,480円 ff.im/3wAfu # 17:57 「ビルド... ff.im/3x4hQ # 20:51 Apple 超コンパクト USB 電源アダプタ交換プログラム 緑のしるしの意味が分かった。…